Saturday, March 3, 2012

Loopmasters ? Late Night Logic Multiformat (1 cd) Download File ...

Download Loopmasters ? Late Night Logic Multiformat (1 cd)

LINK: Loopmasters ? Late Night Logic Multiformat (1 cd) Download

Chilled Beats, Cool Guitars, Dub Delays, Smooth Keys and Grooving
Basses help to make Late Night Logic from Loopmasters, the best choice
for producers looking for a top class chilled out sample collection to
add to their sound library.

From Sunset beaches to late night lounge sessions, lazy chilled out
grooves and lush pads and keys; live and programmed instruments come
together in this collection to provide a quality set of tripped out,
crusty, funked out and dubbed up sounds for your future productions.

This pack draws inspiration from Ambient Electronica, Funk, Hip Hop
and Jazz . with 95 Drumloops, 31 Dubby and Funky Basslines, 20 Tripped
out Dub Delays, 41 Slick Guitar Parts, 22 Smooth Key Loops, 16
Evolving Synth Pads, and 21 Single Drum Sounds and Strings.

Late Night Logic is a consummate collection of well crafted and
original loops, created by Andy Lee of Barcoda Recordings, and
inspired by the after hours late night party crowd, after hours
drinkers and lounge lizards!

As usual with all Loopmasters download packs, all material contained
within this release is royalty free to use in your music. Listen to
the demo mp3 to get an idea of whats in the pack, and to see what
great value and inspiration you get with the new Late Night Logic
Samplepack from Loopmasters!

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